On-chain Data Sculpture Exhibition

Haotian Fang


The on-chain world is shaped by the data we own, and current data visualization tools are not enough for us to actively connect with our data. Do I understand my data? Can I interact with my data? How can I connect with others through my data? We need more diverse representations of data.

An artistic approach to data processing might be a viable solution, and this project represents it through data sculpture.

Data sculpture presents data not only in a digital format but also through physical objects; these can be crafted from various materials, inviting people to interact with them on a different perceptual level. We have lots of narratives on-chain: some make us pleased, others encourage, and some even disgusted. Yet, most times, we feel lost and exposed to misunderstanding! What if we could bring those narratives off-chain and invite creators to sculpt physical objects that interpret their stories in exhibitions?

A compelling data sculpture should offer multiple layers of engagement. Audiences can swiftly grasp the main narrative, yet the work always provides an opportunity for deeper exploration, encouraging everyone to co-create and support the narrative.

We need curators who not only commit to care about the data and its ownership but also aim to cure everyone involved in the exhibition.