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Summer of Protocols is an ongoing research and evangelism effort that aims to catalyze broad interest in the study of protocols as a first-class concept for thinking about the world.
The core summer research program, Protocol Town Hall talk and salon series, and research publication stream all aim to advance our understanding of protocols across a wide range of domains, at all levels from practical to philosophical.

Research Spotlight

A packed 3-ring binder with over 400 pages of inserts, the Protocol Kit is designed to support systematic study, research, policy-making, scene-making, and entrepreneurship efforts.

Protocol Town Hall Calendar

Apr 17 | Guest Talk with Josh Stark
Atoms, Institutions, Blockchains

April 24 | Research Salon with Kara Kittel & Toby Shorin
Unprotocolized Knowledge

May 1 | Guest Talk with Chris Dixon

May 15 | Guest Talk with Varun Srinivasan