all just fresh-off-the-boat or floating

hua xi zi

real-time video protocol

This is a multi-node real-time video protocol for nodes of cameras to un-expose, to see, to be masked, to meet each other, to be displaced while being here simultaneously, and to float in-between—all through the tunnel and narrative of the virtual private network—connection as material, protocol as aesthetics. It is to explore the space between peers, servers, nodes, and addresses; in other words, to look at, to listen to, to examine, to reflect, to float with each “edge” between worlds and systems in spite of geopolitical boundaries or nodal discrepancies, state or tech sovereignties… We lurk, indulge, surveil, participate, or disengage while weaving through temporary virtual private networks to find both friction and love.

We are to make images and videos together in the protocol of virtual private networks as feelings, experiences, and art. As metaphorical, technological, theoretical, and speculative experiment and prototype, this project for Summer of Protocols’24 is also to think about making art with protocols that are “always already,” pondering on tactics of resistance that are from within the protocol, as well as among the discussions of technological advancement and “protocol entrepreneurship.”


  • made with WireGuard VPN Protocol, WebRTC video streaming with p5LiveMedia Library, WebSocket Protocol with Socket.IO, Node, Express and Nginx, p5.js Speech Library, DigitalOcean Server, Runway Gen-2, and some help with GPT… 🙂