Protocol Symposium 2024

The Protocol Symposium: a two-week online showcase of the work from SoP 2024, with a kickoff plenary session on Sept 17, will feature six talks by research teams, and conclude with an unconference session on Sept 27 and 28 for protocol nerds and protocol-curious people. The live sessions will be complemented by online discussions in our forum.

Keynote Schedule

Sept 17thPlenary Session
Sept 18thEnd-to-End Encryption in ActivityPub
Sept 19thARC Regenerative Communities
Sept 20thShoreline Adaptations
Sept 23rdPlurality in Practice
Sept 24thAutonomous Realities
Sept 25thFire Protocols
Sept 26thCapstone Session
Sept 27thUnconference Kickoff

How to Sign Up for the Protocol Symposium

We are using Social Layer* to organize this event. Attendance is free, but each salon is capped at 100 guests, with priority given to recipients of the Protocol Kit. To register and secure your spot, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Social Layer event page.
  2. Login or sign up to Social Layer.
  3. RSVP to each event you’re interested in and add it to your calendar using the button.
  4. Share your interests and expertise for the unconference. (Optional)
  5. Join the Protocol Symposium Chat on Telegram. (Optional)
* Social Layer is a powerful app for organizing things like participant-curated events and pop-up cities. You can sign up with your email, an Ethereum wallet, or Zupass.


Sept 27th – 28th

Unconference: A 48-hour, 2-track virtual space for all interested in protocols to organize your own sessions. Topics can be related to research from SoP23 and SoP24, but also go beyond to any interesting topic with a protocol connection. Session proposals should be 30-90 minutes, and have an interactive structure (e.g., brainstorms, workshops, improv lightning talks, hackathons, games). Please suggest topics and share your thoughts on the forum, and invite your friends to RSVP. We will also publicize the tentative agenda more broadly before finalizing it during the Unconference Kickoff on Friday, September 27th at 14:00 UTC

Protocol Exhibition